Masses are celebrated on August 15 at 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. for this Holy Day of Obligation.
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrates the Blessed Mother’s entrance into heavenly glory.
In 2015, the diocese instituted an annual special collection to support the maintenance and ministry of our Cathedral. We thank you for your generosity.
The Most Reverend William E. Koenig, D.D., Bishop of Wilmington, announces the following appointment, effective June 26, 2024. Reverend Francis I. Okorie, CMF is appointed associate pastor of Resurrection Parish and Holy Family Parish. Welcome Fr. Francis!
Let us gather together for Holy Mass to honor the Most Blessed Virgin Mary on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary After Mass, we will make our consecration or reconsecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. You will also have an opportunity to be enrolled in the Brown Scapular. Scapulars will be given to new enrollees or you may bring your own. Do not hesitate to receive the many graces that will be poured out on this very special day set aside for the Mother of God. Let us honor Our Mother, and by doing so, grow even closer to Her Son, Jesus. *All are welcome. Invite a friend.
Congratulations to our 14 teens who are celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation this Saturday, April 27, 2024 at Resurrection Parish with Bishop W. Francis Malooly and our Pastor, Msgr. David Kelley.
Resurrection and Ebenezer will be teaming up to help families in our area who are experiencing homelessness. We will be serving up to 4 families staying in Cottage #1 at the Jesus House. The link will be updated closer to the date.
There are two positions for Steward and positions for a representative from Social Concerns, Parish Life and the Building & Grounds Committees. Nominations for these positions can be submitted before or after Masses on the first two weekends in April.
“Reconciliation Monday has become a popular annual event with our parishioners and priests,” said the Most Reverend William E. Koenig, Bishop of Wilmington. “Many of God’s people who had fallen away from their faith, used this opportunity to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and return to Mass at Easter. We invite all Catholics – whether it has been months, years, or decades since their last Confession – to take advantage of this diocesan-wide event in which all of our priests will participate.”
Join us for an interactive discussion about how forgiveness benefits the forgiver. The content will include what forgiveness is and is not, the barriers to forgiveness, Scripture references, the impact of holding on to hurt and anger, stories of forgiveness, and an article entitled “How to Strengthen Your Forgiveness Muscle”.
We have an opportunity at the beginning of Holy Week to experience the mercy and forgiveness of our loving God though this sacrament of Reconciliation. Consider sharing this time of hope, change and renewal. Click photo to learn more.
Youth Ministry will lead the shadow Stations of the Cross on Friday March 8 at 7:00 p.m. The Tamil Community will lead Stations of the Cross on Friday March 15 at 7:00 p.m. Come pray and reflect upon Christ’s journey to the cross.
Let’s brighten the day of nursing home and assisted living community residents and prison inmates this Easter! You can help by donating Easter cards, writing upbeat messages on Easter cards, and/or delivering cards. Look for the box in the gathering space for more detailed information. Return all cards by March 15. Thank you for your goodness!