February 27, 2025 6:30-8:30 PM Cost: $50/person
Featuring Live silent auction items, Live Music, Heavy Hors D'oeuvres and Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks
All proceeds benefit Table of Plenty Outreach
Resurrection Parishioners provide the evening meal to the 16 men living in the Friendship House/ Clark House transitional living program. Sign up to bring an entree, salad, vegetable side dish, bread or rolls, dessert, or beverage.
Parishioners have the opportunity to assist Friendship House and Christina School District in providing Christmas gifts to children in housing insecure families.
December 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by Jesus House | Held at Resurrection Parish -
Registration is at the link. The fee is $50.00.
Register by December 1st | We will need to limit attendance to 75
Each year, the Finance Council presents our annual, year-end financial report. We use this report to say
“thanks” while providing you, our parishioners, with a transparent accounting of how we used the
resources you provide. Click to read the report document.
The Resurrection lector team is in need of readers for weekend Masses. If you are interested in putting
your faith into action, please contact the parish office.
All training provided.
The purpose of this survey is to allow you the opportunity to share your views about how well the parish is meeting your needs. Pastoral Council supports the vision of the Iron Hill Deanery to create more vibrant parishes.
Food, Fun, and Fellowship! Come Join Us
for The Resurrection Parish Picnic
To help us in planning, we ask that you sign up by using the Signup Genius link below or use the paper signup after Mass on August 31 or September 1, 7 or 8.
An invitation to experience the Holy Spirit’s power to change your life.
Begins on Friday September 20th 6:15pm-8:30pm
Continues for 6 weeks on Friday nights until October 25, 2024