Parish Council Meeting Minutes January 10, 2016 The meeting was called to order by Mike Reis at 4:15pm at the Turano residence.
Members Present: Deb Buckels, Joan Budd,, JoAnn Hedrick, Donna Ramage, Mike Duffy, Mike Reis, Tom Leitch, Ellen Pringle,Ellen Turano, Father Bill Graney, Joe McClory, Rich Mayes, Deacon John Falkowski, Elaine Little, Mary Louise Chesley-Cora, Chip Schussler, Cory Zolandz
Members Absent: Patty Zaza, Dolores Lepori
Guests: Carol Schwer, Dick Schwer, Joe Budd, Ed Hedrick, Patti Falkowski
Excused: Michelle Little
Opening Prayer: Ellen Turano, read an inspirational prayer, “Today is a Special Day,”even though it may be ordinary for most of us… It is special because, in the entire history of the universe there has never been another day just like today… Today is the day to which all your preceding days have been leading up to. And today is the day from which the rest of your life will flow...
Minutes: The minutes from the December meeting were discussed, including a second update from Jane Hanson. Second update was not in minutes at time of meeting and has been recently sent to PC for approval at February meeting.
Parish Buzz: Hundreds of people visited the parish either for the first time or came back again during the Christmas Masses and recent Baptisms and Funerals. Many commented positively on the beautiful liturgies that were planned and carried out.
A catechumen candidate to receive the sacraments during Holy Week has come forward. The young man is a senior at Salesianum, and some of his religious education at the school will be taken into account as part of the RICA program.
The NCR- had recent article about Pope Francis- about how the new pope is a person of mercy rather than a man of laws.
Old Business- Pastors Comments: These two sections were combined in a single discussion in this abbreviated business meeting.
What is next step for Parish Life Director Role?
• Donna Ramage suggested a Backward Design Discussion, where we plan each step, backwards from implementation.
• Fr Bill hopes to write prior to the next Council some of his latest thoughts on “alternative pastoral leadership”. He has clearer ideas on how to approach the diocese now.
Cory Zolandz thought it would be helpful to have someone share information about the Parish Mission shared with CFP parents. Joe McClory volunteered to work with Cory on this.
• Mike Duffy- How does role of Parish Life Director interact with clergy, Priest, Deacon and bishop? Don’t worry about approval. Focus on what will meet needs of our parish.
• Questions voiced:
Can we afford Parish Life Director?
Or not afford to try?
How long will it take to implement?
New Business: Discuss PC Elections for 2016 in February Meeting. Get committee to seek nominations in April and organize PC elections in May.
Christmas Party:- After the formal meeting, Father Bill said grace. Then good food and conversation were enjoyed by all. A huge Thank you to Ellen Turano for hosting!