Parish Life Committee Report for January 12, 2020 Pastoral Council Meeting
- The Parish Life Committee did not meet this month.
This Past Months Events:
- December 12 - Our Lady of Guadeloupe Mass followed by Mexican hot chocolate
and pastries took place. This was advertised in the Dialogue.
December 14 – Advent Adventure had 9 participants with a wide age range.
Feedback from some of the parents was that their children really enjoyed this
December 14/15 – Community Weekend
Greeters at all Masses encouraged name tags.
-A significant number of folks stayed for simple refreshments after the Saturday
5:30 Mass. (Doug and Ellen were also present preparing for the Sunday
Parish Appreciation/Christmas Brunch.
-Doug and Ellen hosted the Parish Appreciation/Christmas Brunch after both
Sunday Masses. Thank you to Doug and Ellen for providing a great variety of
foods and keeping this special social opportunity going.
December 24/25 Greeters at all Christmas Masses welcomed folks and provided
each family with the Matthew Kelly book as a gift from the parish.
Invitations to attend these Masses were posted on Next Door, but there were
some issues with staff posting events from a parish e-mail address.
January 4/5 Community Weekend
Greeters at all Masses encouraged name tags.
- A number of folks enjoyed refreshments after the Saturday 5:30 Mass.
- Doughnuts were available, as usual, after the 8:30 Mass.
- At least 125 people participated in the Epiphany Ethnic Food and Family
Favorite Foods Party. Fewer than half the people who attended signed up,
but somehow there was adequate food and help. A special thank you to the
Tamil community for providing a variety of their favorite foods that were
not too spicy for the majority of us.
Looking Ahead
January 25 Winter Arts Fest Youth Group Fund Raiser
This event includes entertainment, silent auction and food sales.
There was some discussion about having some kind of a Mardi Gras Party on February 22, but this could negatively influence Souper Supper attendance
on February 28. What is the thought about having social events such as a BYOB dance or covered dish dinner and dance during Lent?
February 28, (Friday) Souper Supper Youth Group Fund Raiser
February 29/March 1 Community Weekend
Father Simeon Gallagher will also be present that weekend.
More Community Weekend details in February.
March 2,3.4.5 Parish Renewal with Fr. Gallagher.
FYI December 13 – St. John the Beloved used the Resurrection Gathering Space for
The Parents with Young Children Ministry to have a holiday party. It might be
good to learn more about this ministry. In September there was a notice in our
bulletin inviting parishioners to participate. Nancy opened the building for
them and not all present were parents.
Parish Life Committee Meeting
December 4, 2019
Meeting began with prayer.
Summary of Activities - Debbie created a Parish Life tab on the website.
Currently contains notice of Our Lady of Guadeloupe Mass followed by Mexican hot chocolate and pastries.
Upcoming events will be added in the next week.
- Refreshments after the Thanksgiving eve service were easy to do and seemed to be enjoyed.
Goals - Saturday, December 14 refreshments will be served after the 5:30 Mass.
- Sunday, December 15 Doug and Ellen will do the Parish Appreciation Reception.
- Sunday, January 5 there will be an Epiphany Party after the 10:30 Mass.
It will be an Ethnic/Family Favorite Foods Covered Dish Lunch.
Debbie will be asked to develop a Signup Genius page for this and put announcements
in the bulletin and weekly e-mail.
(FYI – Winter Arts Festival is Saturday January 25)
- Saturday, February 22 there may be a Mardi Gras Party.
A list of names of folks who suggested similar activities or were involved in planning such events
in the past was developed. They will be BCC e-mailed to determine interest and form a planning
committee if there is interest.
(FYI – Souper Supper is Friday, February 28.)
- Community Weekend February 29 / March 1 We will have a getting to know you better activity
With a drawing for WAWA gift cards to encourage participation.
Life Parish Committee Report for November 10, 2019 Pastoral Council Meeting Objective: To plan and promote non-liturgical social activities for fun and to build community bonds, to welcome new parishioners, and to attend appropriate community events to make others aware of our parish.
Membership: Amanda Axe, Mary Beth Cote, Nancy Maloney, Linda Malm, Maritza Poza-Guise, Susan Sheehan
Summary of Activities: In conjunction with 50
th Anniversary Committee, implemeted A Meal from the Time of Jesus.
Sue Deganais has played a major role in making this happen and feedback was positive.
Hayride was cancelled due to weather. Emily Cassidy plans to schedule this again next fall.
Attended Red Clay School District’s Family Resource Fair –
Talked with many people. Gave out bookmarks with parish contact information and explanation that it
provides contact information to other spiritual and community service sites.
Also gave out candy, stickers. Invited folks to the Song Fest.
Assisted Liturgy Committee with the Chili Dinner and Dessert for Song Fest
Assisted Social Justice Committee with Fairtrade Coffee Tasting
Goals: *Saturday, December 14, have a social after 5:30 Mass since there is a Christmas Brunch after Sunday 10:30 Mass
*Determine, with input from parish staff and Pastoral Council, whether or not it is possible to proceed in
scheduling and planning the following activities:
-Wednesday, November 27 have cookies and cider after the Thanksgiving Eve Service
-Saturday, January 4 Community Weekend Social after 5:30 Mass
-Sunday, January 5 after 10:30 Mass – This is a Community Weekend
Epiphany Party Ethic (Family Favorites) Covered Dish Lunch
May include a 20 minute Dance Off as suggested by a couple of the children.
(FYI - Winter Arts Fest will be on Saturday, January 25)
-Saturday, February 22 Mardi Gras Party – Covered Dish, BYOB and Dance with DJ if available.
Should this be a family or an adult event?
(FYI – Souper Supper is on Friday, February 28)
-February 29/March 1 Community Weekend
Saturday Evening Social and Sunday Pancake Breakfast OR Getting to Know You Activity
with drawing for WAWA card to encourage participation.
(FYI - Father Simeone Gallagher arrives this weekend and renewal will be Monday through Thursday.
Should we be planning coffee/refreshment for A.M. and/or P.M. sessions?)
-St. Patrick’s Day – Do we want to do anything?
-Saturday, April 18 or 25 - Wine Night – committee members had several options for how this could be done.
- Do we want to combine a few of the other suggestions for an event geared to the neighboring communities?
What are the liability concerns?
Ideas included food trucks and a Flea Market.
Could make this a Children’s Health Fair or Summer Safety Fair with presentations, demonstrations or
events from health care professionals, police, firemen, animal experts etc.
*Continue to be observant for opportunities to develop rapport with parishioners and look for opportunities to
introduce them to other parishioners and ministries within the parish.
*Meet more formally with Tina Donald and Mike Reis to discuss budget ideas and firm up budget.
Parish Life Committee Report for October 13, 2019 Pastoral Council Meeting
Objective: To plan and promote non-liturgical social activities for fun and to build community bonds, to welcome new parishioners, and to attend appropriate community events to make others aware of our parish.
Membership: Amanda Axe, Mary Beth Cote, Nancy Maloney, Linda Malm, Maritza Poza-Guise, Susan Sheehan
Summary of Activities: Attended Newark Community Day on September 15 –
Gave out candy, stickers, and bookmarks with parish contact information.
Talked with many people – folks from neighboring parishes, relatives of parishioners and a few parishioners,
folks who knew the parish in the past and others.
The Peace Week event at Resurrection was a good conversation starter with a number of people.
Parish Community Weekend September 14/15 at aaaaaresurrection
“Parish Life Committee NEEDS your input’ Forms were distributed. Over 2 weekends more than 40 forms with a
variety of good ideas were completed. Summary of this form and some follow up will be presented in
Parish Life Meeting summary of this report. Jo Ann Hedrick was the winner of the WAWA gift card.
See Parish Life Committee Report regarding hayride and University of Delaware football game.
In conjunction with 50
th Anniversary Committee, the menu for A Meal from the Time of Jesus was determined
tickets have been sold. Sue Deganais has played a major role in making this happen.
Parish Life Committee has offered to assist the Liturgy Committee with the food aspect of the November 9 Music Fest.
This led to a lengthy discussion of having a Chili Cook Off with prizes next fall.
Nancy and Linda met informally with Tina Donald and Mike Reis regarding budget. This needs to be discussed in more detail with
The entire Parish Life Committee met October 9. See separate report.
Goals: Implement Food of Jesus Time Dinner, Hayride, and Chili Dinner plus ticket sales for football game.
Participate in the November 2 Red Clay Creek School District Family Resource Fair.
Assist Tom and Kate Regan with Equal Exchange Fair Trade Coffee Tasting Event (may need to change the date
from Nov. 3
rd to the 10
Continue to be observant for opportunities to develop rapport with parishioners and look for opportunities to introduce them to
ministries within the parish.
Meet more formally with Tina Donald and Mike Reis to discuss budget ideas and firm up budget.
Continue to explore opportunities to implement suggestions submitted. (It might make sense to attend some of the suggested events as a group at other locations rather than do them ourselves. How could the bulletin board between the restrooms be used more effectively?)
Parish Life Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 7:30 in Room 2
Attendance: Amanda Axe, Mary Beth Cote, Nancy Maloney, Linda Malm, Maritza Poza-Guise, Susan Sheehan
Meeting began with Prayer.
The list of ideas submitted on Community Weekend and the following weekend were discussed to determine how to begin implementing these ideas. See the separate list of ideas and a summary of the discussion.
Additional discussion:
Amanda Axe and her enthusiasm were welcomed to this committee as a representative of young couples and families.
There was discussion of possibilities to follow up on baptisms and ways to extend invitations to these families,
and other families with young children, to activities or events that could connect them to the parish.
(a gathering of young families after a Sunday Mass, some of the social events, ???)
Also look for tasks and opportunities for children and teens to be more invested in the parish.
It was noted that at Convocation 150, an example was given of a parish that set up introduction meeting opportunities for specific groups of people and once they connected, they organized events to meet their needs and wants.
There was discussion of being aware of people we don’t know or see sitting alone.
Introduce ourselves, welcome them, invite them to sit with us for doughnuts and coffee, introduce them to
others with similar experiences. (examples: a recent widower to other men whose spouses have died
or someone who has lived in Mexico with another parishioner from Mexico.)
The list of Red Clay School District’s school holidays schedule was reviewed for possible times to schedule parish events, esp. those involving families with school age children.
Ideas submitted on Community Weekend and the Follow Up Weekend. Information in italics is a summary of meeting conversation. Number in parenthesis is how many people made that suggestion.
The second weekend some folks took ideas from the chart created from the first weekend.
Parish Picnic –
We already do this annually, usually in May. Covered Dish (2)
Ethnic Food (3)
Consider this for an Epiphany Party on Sunday, January 5, 2020. Last year there was a reception after Epiphany Sunday Masses because it couldn’t be done in December as usual due to kitchen renovations. Doug and Ellen plan to do the December Reception, but a number of people commented that they liked it in January CFP has an Epiphany Party. The Church Doors are blessed after 10:30 Mass. Mass that day will be bi-lingual -English/Tamil. The thought was this could be a strictly covered dish event. Ethnic Foods would be suggested, but folks could bring whatever they want. Whatever shows up is what we will eat. Taco Night
This could be combined with a movie, game, karaoke or painting night. Dinner and Entertainment
This is what the Winter Arts Festival is. It is planned for January 25, 2020. Mardi Gras Party
Consider for Saturday, February 22, the weekend before Mardi Gras Dinner Dance (3)
Should it be a family event or an adult dance? With Mike Rose as DJ
If it is a family event, when would be a good time for an adult dance? Covered Dish / BYOB
In a separate discussion it was noted that if child care and/or children’s activities Our own music band
are provided, some children insist on being with their parents so the parents don’t really have a night out. Square Dance
Dance Off / Banjo Dance Off (2)
This was suggested by a couple of young girls. Perhaps ask a banjo player or two, to play for 15 or 20 minutes at the Epiphany Party so kids or anyone can dance. Wine Party
Several options for this were discussed. Some committee members have ideas for a few parishioners to ask to organize this, perhaps in April after Easter. We also have information and forms for when we need a permit to serve alcohol at an event. Bonfire and S’mores at Resurrection
There will be a bonfire and s’mores after the hay ride in White Clay Creek Park on October 27. There was much discussion about having a bonfire, s’mores and sing along at Resurrection next fall. Autumn seems like the best time to do this, but spring is a possibility. Pancake Breakfast (2)
A good idea, but how can it be done without disrupting the traditional Sunday Doughnuts? There was some discussion about working with the Social Concerns committee to bring in someone else to this on a Saturday to raise funds for their cause. For example, the Lion’s Club has a pancake breakfast on the two annual Flea Market Saturdays at the Newark Senior Center. It was realized that this would not really be a parish event. Consider this for a Community Weekend. Decrease doughnut order and also serve pancakes. Amanda suggested a topping bar with several pancake toppings. This could be a donation event perhaps with a suggested donation amount to help be sure costs are covered.
Coffee House (2)
Karaoke (3)
Evening of Praise and Worship with local contemporary Christian music group
An evening of sing along and Dessert
The November 9 Music Fest will incorporate some of this suggestion. Movie Night (4)
Some discussion of an outdoor family movie night in the summer Game Night (3)
Family Games
Painting with a Twist
Discussion of a few artistic parishioners who may be willing and able to lead this. Paint Night on canvases
Will contact the “suggester” regarding her ability to do this instruction. Yoga –
Person suggesting this is a yoga instructor Family Goat Yoga
Rock Climbing
Hikes in a State Park
(Parks do have an admission fee.) Mud Run
Bounce House
Volleyball (3) with one offer to teach volleyball
Blue Rocks Game
Football Game
Vince Lorelli contacted Elaine offering discounted tickets for the University of Delaware vs. Stoneybrook Football Game on Faith and Family Day on Saturday, November 16 at 1:00 for groups of 15 or more. We determined there is adequate interest. When following up, it was discovered there are 2 ticket options and a significant parking fee. Information will be sent out this week and sale of discounted tickets for the game and parking may begin next weekend. Hayride (4) + Hayride at Resurrection
Emily Cassidy suggested this and offered to organize it. She has scheduled a hayride and bonfire for Sunday, October 27 at 5:00 in White Clay Creek Park. Hay wagon capacity is 25. Trip to Sight and Sound
Rosary Night for Peace
Retreat at Resurrection
Fr. Simeon Gallagher is scheduled in early March for a renewal to end our 50th Anniversary Year of celebration Bible Study
Community Service Event
Neighborhood Clean Up
5K Walk/Run OR a Concert to benefit our Sister Diocese in San Marcos
Stem Tech Guidance to Teenagers on Courses and College
Will follow up with person who suggested this. Susan Sheehan also offered to provide information about college admission applications and scholarships. Food Truck Event
Attended the one at Holy Angels last year. Not many food trucks were there. Silent Auctions
This is done at the Winter Art Fest Community Garage Sale
Family of the Week write-up in the bulletin
This could be difficult. How would you choose the families?