Parish Council Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2014
Members Present: Mary Ann McLane, Peggy Smith for Mike Duffy, Mary Cullen for JoAnn Hedrick, Donna Ramage, Tom Leitch, Joan Budd, Patty Zaza, Patricia Szwed, Kat Edwards for James Davidson, Bob Straub, Dolores Lepori , Joe McClory, Fr. Bill Graney, Jim Nolan, Mike Reis, Deacon John Falkowski, Rich Mayes
Members Absent: Selvam Mascarenhas
Visitors: Dick Schwer
Opening Prayer: Joe McClory led a prayer for the third week of Advent. We prepare this week by feeling joy because the Lord is near. We consciously ask, “Prepare our hearts, and remove the sadness that hinders us from feeling the joy and hope which his presence will bestow.”
Parish Buzz: Bob Straub felt that if you don’t know what song is being sung you are less likely to join in singing, suggested a display with song number may help. Currently, other than response between the first and second readings, the song number is announced at start of each song. The current practice is to check with the parishioner next to you, if you miss the song number.
Youth Ministry Update: Kat Edwards shared the goals of the Youth Program which she is working towards:
To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today
To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community.
To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
Kat will use the following programs, activities and tools to help accomplish goals:
Middle and High School
Comprehensive Ministry: We have spiritual, service and social events. It is important to build community as a group.
Parish involvement outside of fundraisers. During Mass, clean-ups, intergenerational activities, ETC
Youth Leadership team
High School students serve as mentors to Middle School Students
Look into new program for youth night for next year
Summer service and NCYC
New Program: Chosen- video and discussion based
Full weekend retreat
More prep dates
Service and Lent activity
Validating Stewards: Motion to validate Jim Nolan and Selvam Mascarenhas as Trustees in accordance with state law was made and approved by unanimous vote.
Bylaws Committee: Dick Schwer led discussion showing how modifications to the bylaws were made eliminating all mention of Parish and Family Life Committee. A motion to eliminate the Parish and Family Life Committee was made and approved by unanimous vote.
Council then reviewed Bylaws Committee suggested changes to modify the
Budget Process schedule. A motion to revise the Bylaws in accordance with the suggested changes was made and approved by unanimous vote. During discussion of the Bylaws changes, the suggestion was made to develop a Budget Time Line to provide a summary of the budget process. The Bylaws Committee will include this as an addendum to the Bylaws after it is presented to Finance Council.
Parish Council Christmas Party: Donna Ramage led discussion asked for a volunteer to host party, when none was forth coming, she agreed to host Party at her home. The Christmas party will begin with a brief meeting beginning at
4PM at Donna’s home. Sign-up sheets listing dish/contribution each member will bring were distributed.
Pastor’s Comments: Fr Bill distributed a Directory Change list to the Stewards and reminded them to contact parishioners.
Fr Bill also discussed setting up a committee to work on
Spiritual Renewal Events there is funding available from an anonymous donor for these events. Fr. Bill mentioned the program which was led by Meghan McKenna several years ago as an example. Since males are typically less willing to attend these events Father is hoping to get at least one male to serve on committee.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00.