For over 15 years Resurrrection Parish has been providing funds and medical supplies to our Sister Diocese of San Marcos, Guatemala. Our brothership with our neighbors in Guatemala is one of the many ways our social justice committee shares the donations of our gracious giving parish.
Over the years, we have supported a clinic in Caterina, in San Marcos. This clinic is run by two maryknoll nuns, Sr. Mary Lou and Sr. Jane. At the clinic, Mary Lou and Jane, who also nurses, serve the community in their town as well as aiding others in the outlying areas They train Health Promoters, who then go out to their communities to administer to the health needs of their neighbors.
Resurrection has also supported local catechists in their work. Resurrection is beginning a partnership with Padre Severiano, pastor of the parish of San Antonio Sacatepéquez, to help with a diocesan plan for evangelization. Padre Severiano plans a program beginning with 4 year olds and continuing through a youth ministry group for adolescents.
Update from Guatemala
Recently in a zoom meeting with the Diocese of San Marcos GSP Committee I received a message from Sr. Mary Lou about the clinic in Caterina, San Marcos. Sr. Mary Lou is very grateful for our parish’s committment to providing medical supplies and funds for the clinic. She is also very grateful for our prayers and spiritual support of her program.
Parroquia “San Antonio Abad”
This is the letter head for Padre Severiano and his parish, San Antonio de Sacatepequez. This July Fr. John Hynes and two other delegates are going to visit San Marcos and they will deliver a message from our parish to Padre Severiano. I am asking for Fr. Hynes to take pictures of Padre Seve and his parish and the members of his communities that receive support from our parish.
Our Message to Padre Severiano and his community From: Resurrection Parish To: Padre Severiano
Dear Padre Severiano, We, the members of Resurrection Parish, are blessed and honored to send to you our prayers, our talents, our treasures and our financial support. This support is sent to you and to your community in San Antonio Sacatepequez. We would like to know the progress of your Formation Project. We know that our financial support supplied textbooks for adult catechist and for students and teens. How else can we help you?
Fr. Hynes, Sharon Spence and Tony Imholf will deliver this message in person to you next week. We hope that during their visit they can take pictures of your activities and the students and lay catechist who are in your programs.
We look forward to receiving those photos and sharing them with our parish and with our diocese. We would love to begin correspondence with the children in both parishes. Our students will begin their program in September, 2022. Our students will send notes and drawings with the next delegation that travels to San Marcos. We would love to receive drawings or notes from your formation classes. We ask that the students include their age/grade on their note.
Sincerely, Joan McConnell and the Parish of the Resurrection
We will include the following photo with the message.