Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:20 p.m. by Assistant Executive Officer Sharon Gidumal.
Reflection: Joe Quinn read a reflection from “The Imitation of Christ” citing the gospel of Matthew. He compared the reading to Resurrection Parish.
Members Present: Gerry Abrams, Mary Louise Chesley-Cora, Anita Delaney, Sharon Gidumal, Father Graney, JoAnn Hedrick, Ruthann Maisonet, Al Mercatante, Michael Mitchell, Maritza Poza-Grise, Joe Quinn, Mike Reis, Mike Rzucidlo, Jack Sanders, Dick Schwer, Kathy Swain.
Members Absent: John Falkowski, Rich Mayes.
Guests: Nancy Maloney, Ruth Sanders.
Parish Buzz:
• Some Council members were surprised by the passing of Joan Donnelly, Ellen Turano’s mother. Father announced that a viewing will be held at church on Tuesday evening with a funeral Mass on Wednesday morning followed by burial in All Saints.
• A letter of appreciation that had been sent by the granddaughter of a recently deceased Cadia patient was read. (Attached)
• Father Graney mentioned that he has noticed new faces in church over the past month.
• Jack Sanders stated that the wife/mother of a Pakistani refugee family has been attending Mass at Resurrection, the husband/father is Methodist and their son is currently “up in the air”. Parishioners are also assisting other recent refugees coming to Resurrection and other nearby parishes.
• Peggy Smith and Eva Skripchuk are organizing a panel of local Muslim experts to take place during Peace Week which will focus on Islamic-Christian commonalities. More on this later in these minutes.
• Donated bicycles from parishioners to be used by parolees to get to and from work and also by refugees are beginning to arrive.
• Parishioners are working through DE Superior Court to assist veterans suffering from PTSD, addiction, and minor offenses.
• The Prison Ministry is ongoing, working one-on-one with inmates and also conducting two classes of 40 inmates. Senator Coons has provided an assistant from his staff.
• Resurrection has been invited to have a table at the Skyline United Methodist Church annual program in September to talk about ways to serve God by serving others.
• A parishioner, through the Social Concerns Committee, is helping Hispanics with various needs including housing.
• The 11th annual Concert to Combat Human Trafficking will be held on August 14 at 7:00 p.m. at Skyline Methodist. There is no admittance fee; attendees are asked to make a donation.
• Mike Rzucidlo mentioned an e-mail that had been received from Deb Buckels reflecting on her two years as a Council member. One of her suggestions was that the Council meet occasionally after the 10:30 Sunday Mass to allow parishioners to attend a meeting and have input. She also suggested that Council have a “meet and greet” session after the 10:30 Mass, perhaps in conjunction with a scheduled meeting.
Committee Reports:
• Family Promise - This week we are cohosting with Ebenezer. Father mentioned that donations had been dropped off in the kitchen.
• Friendship House – On July 20 and again on July 31, Friendship House will be hosting a barbecue. Anyone who is interested in learning more about FH is invited. Please let Sharon Gidumal know if you plan to attend so they can prepare enough food.
Minutes Approved: The minutes of the June, 2017 meeting were approved.
New Business:
• The Bylaws require an annual audit. Since a bookkeeper has just been hired, it was decided she needs some time to familiarize herself with the books before being subjected to an audit. Her name is Keri Allen and she came on board about ten days before John Werner’s resignation was effective so they were able to work together during that time.
• The PC annual retreat and election of officers for the coming year traditionally take place in September. There was some discussion about splitting the spiritual portion of the retreat from the planning portion and spreading them over two months. A committee consisting of Anita Delaney, Mike Rzucidlo, and Dick Schwer will plan what they discern is best for the Council.
Pastor’s Comments and Advice:
• Father Graney expanded the previously mentioned information about Peace Week, Delaware which will take place September 17-24, 2017. Peace Week is an expanded vision of peace led by the Movement for a Culture of Peace. Resurrection will present a panel discussion focused on helping us replace common, erroneous assumptions about Islam with accurate information followed by a break-out session during which participants will discuss what they learned, share stories to promote human connection, and brainstorm ways to continue making actionable progress. A light meal will be provided. Senator Chris Coons may be the moderator.
• There is some fiscal flexibility now that Resurrection is no longer paying Father Corrigan and John Werner. There is still a need for volunteers to fill John’s duties that are not bookkeeping. Joe Quinn has volunteered to clean and maintain the pool. Henry Xavier may be an IT person to lean on.
A closing prayer and grace before meals was offered by Father Graney.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:08 p.m. and we enjoyed fellowship over a meal.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnn M. Hedrick
Letter from Cadia patient’s granddaughter:
Dear Parishioners of Resurrection,
I would like to thank you for sending volunteers to hold Catholic services at Cadia, and for your prayers for the residents here. My grandmother, Regina Salinski, enjoyed Sunday mornings; enjoying the word of God, receiving Communion, and the fellowship with everyone from your church. We love how unique you all are... some serious and stoic, some bubbly and demonstrative, and everyone SHINING with the love of Christ. Visits with my Grandmother were made even better by praising God with Resurrection.
Please know what a difference you made in her life, and mine as well. After my mother died, I stopped going to church, but these last few years, I have felt God calling me back. You have been an amplifier for the Lord. This new era for me will be highlighted by a revived dedication to Christianity. You all have my eternal gratitude.
Joanna Jeffry