Activities/Accomplishments: | Since your last Status Report, what have you accomplished on your Objective & Goals work? |
We held a Community Weekend on March 2, 3. We did not meet, and have nothing further to report. |
What overlaps do you see with the objectives and goals of other Teams? | In the course of doing your project work, please note any overlaps you see with other Objective Team goals. |
Attracting New Parishioners: Develop content for possible FAQ feature on website. Develop questions for possible survey. | |
Challenges/Discoveries: | What did you do about the problems or challenges you encountered: actions taken, results achieved, people informed, etc.? |
Proximity of pastoral council meetings in recent months translates to less time between meetings for committee to meet, plan, and move toward goals. This could be addressed by a possible change in bylaws, as has been suggested. | |
Resources and Information Required: Do you envision a point where PC approval is needed prior to implementation of goals? |
What additional resources or information do you require to continue to make progress? If so, from whom would you like assistance and for what actions? |
Yes, the FAQ and Survey features / pages / links being considered would require pastoral council approval. |
Consider the impact that implementing your goals or actions are likely to have on parishioners. What will you do to prepare parishioners for the changes you are proposing to implement? | Please describe your approach to inform parishioners of the changes you are proposing. What parish committees will be impacted by your proposed changes? |
The Frequently Asked Questions idea needs to be considered per observation made at February meeting that having such a feature on parish website may draw attention to unique or non-traditional practices at Resurrection; hence viewers may feel uncomfortable before visiting. |
Activities/Accomplishments: | Since your last Status Report, what have you accomplished on your Objective & Goals work? |
What overlaps do you see with the objectives and goals of other Teams? | In the course of doing your project work, please note any overlaps you see with other Objective Team goals. |
Challenges/Discoveries: | What did you do about the problems or challenges you encountered: actions taken, results achieved, people informed, etc.? |
Resources and Information Required: Do you envision a point where PC approval is needed prior to implementation of goals? |
What additional resources or information do you require to continue to make progress? If so, from whom would you like assistance and for what actions? |
To be determined |
Consider the impact that implementing your goals or actions are likely to have on parishioners. What will you do to prepare parishioners for the changes you are proposing to implement? | Please describe your approach to inform parishioners of the changes you are proposing. What parish committees will be impacted by your proposed changes? |
Activities/Accomplishments: | Since your last Status Report, what have you accomplished on your Objective & Goals work? |
We have revised the Parish Council ByLaws and are hoping to complete the revision and get approvals prior to elections in May 2019 | |
What overlaps do you see with the objectives and goals of other Teams? | In the course of doing your project work, please note any overlaps you see with other Objective Team goals. |
There are overlaps with all the committees and how Council operates. | |
Challenges/Discoveries: | What did you do about the problems or challenges you encountered: actions taken, results achieved, people informed, etc.? |
Incorporating all the comments and potential edits in time to get approval prior to May. | |
Resources and Information Required: Do you envision a point where PC approval is needed prior to implementation of goals? |
What additional resources or information do you require to continue to make progress? If so, from whom would you like assistance and for what actions? |
Timely feedback so we can meet the approval timeline |
Consider the impact that implementing your goals or actions are likely to have on parishioners. What will you do to prepare parishioners for the changes you are proposing to implement? Posting them on the website |
Please describe your approach to inform parishioners of the changes you are proposing. What parish committees will be impacted by your proposed changes? |