We ask that you gather cards - either holiday or generic - and write a short message inside, and drop off the cards by Sunday Dec 6. The message could be something like: "Resurrection Parish is thinking and praying for you, and we want you to know you are loved." Cards may be dropped off between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday December 5th. Please follow the directions for Giving Tree Drive by drop off.
The Gratitude Service is Sunday, November 22nd at 10:30 am on Zoom for CFP families. Please click the photo to view the worship aid. You may use this to pray at home with your loved ones. We will post the recorded CFP prayer next week.
The great Jesuit leader, Father Pedro Arrupe said, “Christians must be recognized by their being ‘people for others.’ We must be the voice of Jesus. And always, that is a voice for justice.”