To support our community's prayer, Give Us This Day has made available at no charge a digital file of their periodical, which includes daily Mass texts, inspiration from the lives of saintly witnesses, Insightful, relevant reflections on Scripture, and daily prayer for morning and evening . While it is not a replacement for community worship, we hope this resource will support you during this challenging time.
This from Busted Halo (a ministry of the Paulist Fathers): At Busted Halo, we recognize the fear and anxiety in the air as we all continue to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 virus on our nation and world.
When I have free time I love to read. As I’ve shared, I find that watching TV or being on the internet is for me mostly a waste of time. And, is it beneficial to watch the news all day? Our parish library has thousands of wonderful books.
“We do not take this action lightly and without prayerful consideration,” Bishop Malooly said. “We must put the health and well-being of our parishioners first. I invite the faithful to stay connected to their parish community electronically, and to participate in Mass via television and the Internet, during this challenging time.”
Dear Resurrection Parishioners and Friends: In difficult times we most need community. So, whether in church or not, please pray for one another. Please keep in touch by phone or email, especially with the people with whom you usually talk before or after Mass. But in light of the spread of the novel coronavirus, the staff of Resurrection Parish send these comments. Please click photo read more..