Dear Members of Resurrection Parish: Pastoral Council held our first Zoom meeting last Sunday May 17. It went well, and we heard some good news that we wanted to share with you, the people of Resurrection, right away!
Resurrection Parish and Ebenezer United Methodist Churches are sponsoring a drive to collect non-perishable food and other items for the three amazing agencies : Friendship House Emmanuel Dining Room Family Promise of Delaware
Whenever the current restrictions are eased and we are able to gather for Mass again, it is important for all of us to understand that things will not immediately “go back to normal.” We ask everyone to please continue to be patient and charitable as we work through these difficult times. Click photo or title for details.
This Mother’s Day weekend, we invite you to join us in offering a spiritual bouquet to Our Blessed Mother, seeking her intercession and thanking her for her maternal, loving care. We invite you to share with us your prayer intentions to be entrusted to Our Lady. We also encourage you to offer a spiritual bouquet to Our Lady in your own homes using or adapting the suggestions in this sample activity guidefound by clicking on the photo or visiting . If you participate from home, please consider sharing pictures with our parish family. We would love to see them! Share pictures – by emailing them to be shared by parish staff. As we celebrate the gift of mothers and honor Our Blessed Mother, we also recognize that Mother’s Day can be a difficult holiday for many. We hope this spiritual bouquet provides an opportunity to pray for the intentions brought to your heart by Mother’s Day.