A Zoom forum on “Racial Justice and the Catholic Church” sponsored by St. Catherine of Siena and Resurrection Parishes will be held on four Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm. September 30th, October 14th and October 28th and November 11th. Text will be Fr. Bryan Massingale’s book by that name. There will be discussion of the book, then testimony by panel members with feedback from listeners. To sign up and receive a zoom link and a copy of the book, contact St. Catherine of Siena Parish at 302-633-4900 or email Fr. John Hynes at [email protected].
Living in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania has broadened my perception of geography and challenged my notions about which “place” is better. (I grew up as a “First State” (read: Best State!) Delawarean. But living “across the line” has taught me much.