Wednesdays – 9 am Via Zoom on Aug. 25, Sept. 1 and Sept.15 (Contact Mary Beth Coté at [email protected] for the link.) In-Person at Resurrection – Sept. 8, Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Liturgy of the Word and Communion
This memo pertains to Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 students in Delaware. As we look to the start of the 2021-2022 school year, we thank you for providing your child(ren) with the gift of quality Catholic education through parish and diocesan Catholic schools, parish religious education programs, and CYM sports and events. At this time, the following diocesan guidelines will be in effect beginning Monday, August 16.
On Sunday, August 29 Resurrection Gardeners invite parishioners to a Garden Party from 10:45 until Noon. This will be an outdoor opportunity to socialize with fellow parishioners and learn about the garden while enjoying its beauty. Light refreshments prepared from the bounty of the garden will be served. We hope to see you there!
Take charge of numerous maintenance projects and duties. Must be able to perform maintenance of buildings and grounds, including semi-skilled plumbing, electrical, and other repair work that does not specifically require a licensed professional. Submit resume and cover letter to [email protected]
Resurrection Parish in Wilmington, DE is seeking an experienced Bookkeeper to perform all bookkeeping functions including maintaining A/P and A/R and processing payroll for the parish.