In the Resurrection of Jesus we find hope in the prospect of everlasting life in heaven. But to obtain eternal life, we must accept the Lord’s invitation to follow Him. When we follow Jesus we are invited to Walk with Him. Walking By Faith, we trust in God and we are called to share. During the weekend of April 23 & 24, our parish will participate in the 2022 Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal – a campaign conducted each year throughout the Diocese of Wilmington. Funds generated through the Appeal help provide critical financial support to nearly forty pastoral, charitable and educational programs and ministries. The theme of the 2022 Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal is “Walking by Faith”. When you walk by faith and participate in the Appeal – you enable programs and ministries to mobilize in service to the underserved. Together, “Walking By Faith” we will transform lives.
We are very happy to report that the library renovation is nearing completion. Next steps are wall painting and new flooring. Now that the parish library is a multipurpose meeting room, what name do you suggest for the room? Our current meeting room are called Room 1, Room 2, Room 3, Room 4. We can do better than Room 5 as the name of this room! Let’s be creative! Names can be fun, inspiring, or serious. We will review the names and select the few most suggested to conduct a parish vote.
In addition to the parish bulletin, Resurrection has a weekly newsletter that is sent via email each Friday. Click the link to read an issue or sign up .