Resurrection Parishioners provide the evening meal to the 16 men living in the Friendship House/ Clark House transitional living program. Sign up to bring an entree, salad, vegetable side dish, bread or rolls, dessert, or beverage.
Resurrection and Ebenezer will be teaming up to help families in our area who are experiencing homelessness. We will be serving up to 4 families staying in Cottage #1 at the Jesus House. The link will be updated closer to the date.
It's that time once again when Resurrection & Ebenezer are teaming up to help families in our area experiencing homelessness. Click to go to the Sign Up Genius for those able to help. Thank you for your generosity and your prayers for a successful hosting week.
Come learn about the many agencies supported by Resurrection and volunteers who help those in need. There will be posters and pictures and knowledgeable people available to talk. Learn what Resurrection is doing and about possible volunteer opportunities available. Please bring a nonperishable food item for Table of Plenty.
to assist Friendship House, Christina School District and Family Promise in helping families in need. Donations of gift cards in amounts of $25 or less to ShopRite and Acme are encouraged.
The Giving Tree at Resurrection Parish will continue this year with a pandemic version of the tradition. In the past parishioners chose tags from our tree branch with requests from clients of Friendship House, Christina School District and Family Promise. This year those requests are found on Signup Genius.
Resurrection parishioners will again be given the opportunity to assist staff at Friendship House, Christina School District and Family Promise to help families in need through our Thanksgiving Food and Gift Card drive and the Christmas Giving Tree. (click photo to learn more)