Conversion is not joining a different group, but seeing with the eyes of the crucified.
I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts. But they needed constant attention. So one day I decided I had better things to do. Rumi
Gateway to Silence: Wholeness holds you.
LIFE is The Paschal Mystery: it’s all dying and living (life and death are not two).
The dying are our teachers.
While every person will die, it is possible to live fully in the presence of mortality.
We are the medicine.
You can only teach who you are. Those who serve others as healers must first be committed themselves to deeper levels of transformation through living into the mystery of life and death.
The best way out is through.
A healer refrains from “fixing” the other person, while providing a mirror reflecting back to their soul. The soul already knows what it needs.
Deep connection between healer and healed.
The Anam Cara tradition offers comfort and safety so that no one has to…walk through the valley of the shadow of death alone (Psalm 23). Once we realize at the soul level that there is no such thing as your suffering or my suffering, only our suffering, healing becomes a truly communal experience.” Richard Groves, The American Book of Dying